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Our goal: $50,000

Feeding the hungry in Israel begins with you!

Spare Some Food Vehicle Drive

According to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, more than 22% of Israelis live in poverty. Furthermore, Israel has the second highest poverty rate among OECD countries. Countless tons of food wastage at weddings, social functions, restaurants and schools, exacerbates this sad state of affairs.

Established in 1998, Spare Some Food co-ordinates the distribution of surplus food in Jerusalem and her surrounding communities. We collect and redirect good quality food, which would otherwise be thrown away, to people in need. Our proactive efforts benefit needy individuals, relieve societal dependence, and promote environmental and ethical values for all. We are driven by a vision to curb hunger in the most sustainable, efficient and effective manner.

Our vision of society without hunger is a faith response to our understanding that all people of faith have a divine mandate to work toward achieving a just and peaceful world. Such a world cannot be achieved without everyone having access to enough food to sustain their health and well-being.

With our overall activities highly dependent upon transportation, we require vehicles to assist in the collection and distribution of food goods. Presently, we are in desperate need of one such vehicle. The cost for an outfitted vehicle is $50,000. Your worthwhile assistance today, will make a substantial and positive impact for years to come.

As an integral part of our calling, we welcome supporters irrespective of religious belief, political affiliation, race, nationality and sexual orientation. Our immediate goal is aimed at minimizing salvageable food waste and reducing needless hunger on a daily basis.